Market Munch πŸ• | 17 August 2022

Silicon Valley writes a $350m check, Gas surges 10%, and India's biggest dairies go hiking. πŸ”₯

Happy morning, Munchers!

Hope you're all having an awesome day. πŸ™

As always, here is your daily dose of the news that matters, from Wall Street to Dalal Street - in 5 minutes and 7 seconds.

Let’s dive in.

What’s hot, what’s not?

Story Roundup

1 - Andreessen Horowitz writes a $350m check. πŸ†

The guy that sent $40b of value in flames is back at it.

Adam Neumann has been given a second shot at life - despite running his last startup WeWork from a valuation of $48bn to $8bn.

His new company picked up the largest check ever written by Andreessen Horowitz - a neat $350m.

That brings it's valuation to $1 billion, without having a single dollar of revenue.

The business revolves around creating a community-style hybrid living environment - so that people that go WFH full time have something to look forward to.

Burn, baby, burn. πŸ”₯

2 - Surge in nat-gas threatens to push the big boys into recession. πŸ₯Ά

Global energy crises sparked some more tension, as gas leapt 10% - bringing it to $400/barrel if based to oil.

Traders have rushed to secure gas supplies for the upcoming winter, pushing prices up.

The average winter's energy consumption is 36% higher - people need their homes warm.

Gas prices are now more than 10 times their normal levels, increasing the risk of a deep, energy-induced recession. Investors are now more downbeat on Germany than at any time during the Eurozone debt crisis.

Chilling. πŸ’€

3 - India's biggest dairies to hike milk prices. πŸ’ͺ

Leading Indian milk suppliers Mother Dairy and Amul have announced a price hike of INR 2 on milk. In percentage terms, this is 4%.

It's the second hike in 6 months from both brands, and brings their prices to - - Full cream milk, INR 59 -> INR 61- Toned milk, INR 49 -> INR 51- Cow milk, INR 51 -> 53

Both companies have complained about higher input costs - to the tune of 10-13%.

Cost of fodder and general upkeep of their livestock is also surging due to a record heatwave across India.

It looks like this surge in farm prices isn't fully being passed on to the customers - and there isn't a single Indian I know that doesn't love a good glass of warm milk.

Amul still sells 15m liters of milk everyday. Bullish. πŸ₯›

4 - Walmart's confident about their profits this year.πŸ™

Sales growth for Walmart in Q2 was higher than expected - which is refreshing after last month's warning.

In short, they said that they expected their income to fall 13% for the year.

However, today they revised that expectation - and feel that we're gonna be okay.

This comes after some soothing earnings from them - the link to which is here.

Revenue growth stood at 8.4%, along with a 30% growth in Global Ad Business. Maybe they're succeeding where everyone else stumbled.

Looks like we're gonna be just fine. πŸ˜‡

5 - Explosions rattle Crimea, but Russia says it was 'sabotage'.πŸ€”

Yesterday, an ammunitions depot deep in Russia was shaken up by explosions.

Ukraine is getting the blame for it. If true, it could mean that the Ukrainian military has the capability to strike behind enemy lines.

Ukraine didn't confirm that it carried out these attacks.

Here's a video of the aftermath.

Hope you enjoyed this issue of the Market Munch. If you have any feedback, positive or negative, hit my line at [email protected] or +971 50 708 8469.


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