Market Munch πŸŽƒ | 31 October 2022

Russia rips up a grain deal, iPhone factories find fleeing workers, and India takes off. πŸ”₯

Happy morning, Munchers! πŸ™

Spooky szn is upon us. Happy Halloween to those of you that celebrate it. If you've got any candy left over, hit me up. 🀷

And as always, here is your daily dose of the news that matters, from Wall Street to Dalal Street - in 4 minutes and 53 seconds.

That's less time than it takes for Russia to spike global grain prices, iPhone factories to bleed workers, and India to start manufacturing billion-dollar planes. πŸ”₯

Let’s dive in.

What’s hot, what’s not?

Story Roundup

A few months back, Russia decided to stop bombing Ukrainian grain ships

This helped a LOT of people around the world - since Ukraine produces about 10-15% of global grains (wheat, corn, barley). If there's more of these grains floating around, prices are cheaper. 

That means lesser problems for people that rely on grains as their main diet - primarily people in lower income countries. 

They just went back on their word. 

Russia pulled the plug on their grain ceasefire, and the rest of the world is pretty mad

No winners in a war like this. πŸ˜”

China's aggressive COVID policies are now hurting it's crown jewels

Workers in the world's largest iPhone factory have staged a mass departure as COVID outbreaks are hobbling supply chains. 

The situation in there is pretty dire. 

Food and medical supplies are running low, and workers are being locked up in rooms as part of quarantine. 

Thousands of people decided they had enough - and they literally escaped the place

Centralisation. πŸ’€

India's on a rocket ship of it's own.

Prime Minister Modi just laid the foundation stone for a $2.7 billion aircraft manufacturing plant - under the veil of "Make in India, make for the World". 

They'll be making 40 C-295 aircrafts - which basically just transport a lot of heavy stuff. 

Defence, aerospace and heavy manufacturing are segments in which most Indian businesses have historically lagged. And the current government wants to change that. 

The real growth engine seems to be the billions that are being doled out to businesses to create change of this scale. 

Time will tell how this bet pays off. πŸ“ˆ

The Dollar is very, very strong.

It's so strong that it's hurting itself. 

The US Fed's been super aggressive when compared with central banks around the globe - so it's natural that tons of investors have sought shelter in their currency. 

And it's paid off well - the Dollar Index is up almost 16% this year

This has been eating into company earnings everywhere - since a strong dollar reduces the value of sales made in foreign countries. And that happens because you need to convert foreign currency back to USD. 

US companies are set to lose almost $10 billion due to a strong dollar

That's a hefty price tag. 😬

Germany's energy workers shut the lights off and walked out for several hours over a pay dispute. 

Around 3.9 million employees are demanding a 10.5% wage hike - which sums up to a pretty big figure. 

This demand for pay increases is the highest since 2008, and it's all because of one culprit. 

Inflation. Who would have thought. 

Employees across steel, automotive, and industrial businesses have warned of more strikes to come if German employers don't comply.

The situation seems to be on a knife's edge. πŸ’€

A few nibbles from DexStar DeFi πŸͺ

DexStar is Dubai's hottest DeFi app - fusing real-world sustainable projects with crypto natives around the globe

They're making waves in two ways. - Sustainable project owners are able to hop onto DexStar and borrow from their lending ecosystem.- Crypto HODLers can diversify their portfolios (and make an impact on the world!) by lending to real, sustainable businesses.

If you're a lender, you put your crypto into DexStar's debt vaults. Each debt vault has a different theme, based on a different sustainable energy strategy. And your money's in the safest of hands - the guys that run these debt vaults are run by people that have real world experience. They know what they're doing. 🀷

You can check them out here, and join their Telegram chat here.

Hope you enjoyed this issue of the Market Munch. If you've got any feedback - good or bad (😏) you can hit reply to this email. Thanks a ton for reading!

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Cheers, and have a lovely day. πŸ™
